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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Miley Cyrus in ‘Sex and the City Sequel’

It looks like Miley Cyrus will indeed appear in the Sex and the City Sequel! Gossip Cop is confirming the rumors that have been swirling around the past few weeks.

They say that in the current script, “Cyrus has one scene, and in it she wears the same dress to a red carpet event that Kim Cattrall’s character buys to look “hot and young.” In the script, Mario Cantone’s character Anthony responds by exclaiming, ‘Mother of God: She is wearing the same dress as Hannah Montana.’

As of now the script doesn’t call for Miley to have any speaking lines.

Initially, Gossip Cop was told Miley wouldn’t be in the film because of her busy touring schedule, but now sources involved in the production tell us both sides are arranging so that it can happen.

Sounds interesting!

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